So it starts when Tin, because this is the sound of the girl college. But at night, and then they usually like close the two young people they chilling out. There's TV set level, everyone's saying couch lights are 10 times the there's a solely on which is this black dude that I used to know that in high school he would this uh, well, then there's the creative space knows in a creative space and it's all in one room but there's a creative space. And he was he was there and all that. And yeah, so I was hanging out thinking and then I was thinking maybe staying until three he said can make an exception. But yeah, then I was like, No, I mean, I'm gonna go actually, like I changed my mind because I was actually tired. And I went back out then I'm not sure if it's on the same night. But there's another thing where I walk into like archaalanttinatumaIthinkit'alile. But there's another thing where I walk int~ like, a school sett p type. I think it's like another that same, like another building similar to that one. And it's like, there's a big TV, a few people on that. Um, there's over big TVs, like, looks like a mini theother. And then I'm sitting next to black girls. And, yeah, they seem familiar. And then I see myself on TV because it's like a basketball game for high school. And I used to basketball at some point. And I see myself and I'm like, younger, and I have like curly hair. But like, my hair is a different color. It's the color when I was younger and yeah. So I see myself there. But in that game, I also sang. And my dream I also sing in that game. And so I was like, oh my god, this is that. That's me. And then the two black ladies sitting around, and I look at them. I'm like, and we're like, oh my gosh, is is you've again like we like we because the last game. When I was dreaming, I did the same kind of dream. I saw t ^ ' again. These two black girls and they have like a British accent. Yeah. Um, and then yeah, love to put it on and said, I went to Britain. To England. Yeah. And yeah, so then this is like in Canada, but it feels like we're in America. Then I'm at we arrived to the second game. But this time I'm not really playing but then she's like, one of those like you want to go to play we're gonna incursion. Like, I'm not sure for the basketball part, but I'm definitely gonna sing. I remember because last time when I was singing, I was like, I was not interrupted. But I was stressed out because my dad was stressing me out to finish to finish singing because he didn't want to wait to come and pick me up. That's in my last dream. So I had kind of that stress of like, like I cancelled that time. I didn't sing this time. I didn't sing.
Les rêves peuvent souvent être difficiles à interpréter car ils sont uniques à chaque individu et à ses expériences personnelles. Cependant, certains thèmes dans ce rêve peuvent suggérer un désir d'acceptation et de familiarité. Le rêveur est entouré de personnes qu'il connaît ou reconnaît, et il est dans des environnements qui ressemblent à des bâtiments qu'il a peut-être fréquentés dans le passé. La participation du rêveur à un match de basketball et à une chanson peut suggérer un désir d'expression de soi ou un besoin de montrer ses talents. La présence de personnes noires tout au long du rêve peut symboliser un sentiment de communauté ou d'appartenance. La décision du rêveur de ne pas chanter peut refléter une peur du jugement ou de la critique des autres. Dans l'ensemble, ce rêve peut témoigner du désir du rêveur d'un sentiment d'appartenance et d'acceptation dans des environnements familiers.